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February 11, 2010


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True Religion Outlet

The only other thing this moment I feel definite about is that the stories we tell ourselves and share with ourselves are changing, radically. I'vesafd been hesitant to dive in publicly, because sometimes - well, ofttimes, pioneers are ignored. Their travels can easily become travails.

Scott Townsend


That cracks me up. I hadn't thought about it, but I guess we do have few doors and hallways, don't we?

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it very much. Tell all your friends to stop by. :)


Nice job Scott. Just when I was thinking, "Man, do you work in the Pentagon building?" (what a maze!), it occurred to me that I have no one to hug but the cat. Home. Office.

Cheers! - Lara

Scott Townsend

ok Walter, your turn to go hug someone.

Thanks for the comment man. We really appreciate hearing from you.

Walter Akana

LOVE it, Scott! Love how a challenge from BrainsOnFire helps us bring our out best....and in an immediate way!

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