In today's installment of United Linen TV, we added a camera to let you see Robin Black instead of just hearing him off-camera. You never know what Robin's going to say, so this should add an interesting twist to the vlog. In this episode, we talk about Ree Drummond's Pioneer Woman Cookbook (love the egg-in-the-hole- recipe), how to get ready for Mother's Dan and Memorial Day as well as more information on the new bagged towel concept we've rolled out to all our customers. If you'll notice at the top, this is the first time we have tried to use the LIKE button from Facebook. We'll see how it goes and make a determination later if we want to keep it. Any thoughts along these lines would be greatly appreciated.
As alwyays, we encourage you to visit with us, and share your thoughts feelings, ideas suggestions and criticisms in the Comments section below.
p.s. if any of you know Ree Drummond and can put in a good word for us, that would be tremendous.