How cool is Feedback? How cool is it when a customer takes the time to let you know what’s going on with your business?
It’s very cool. After all, it’s only after receiving feedback that a business can seize the opportunity to improve.
Some Feedback falls in the Atta-boy category, some fall in the “oops we have a problem” category, and others fall in the “flaming” category.
I‘m not talking about the “flaming” comments. That’s a blog post in itself.
And I’m not talking about the comments that tell you how great you are…although those are nice.
What I am referring to is the second category, the “Oops we have a problem” category.
When customers take the time to tell you their problem with your product or service, it’s like a golden moment veiled in a muddy mess.
So few customers tell their service providers they have a problem. I’ve had lunch with people who complained about the meal, but when the owner of the restaurant came over to ask how everything was, no one complained…they all said “Fine.” I felt sorry for the guy. If we noticed a problem with the food, probably several other patrons have or will as well. Wouldn’t you want to know?
And when customers do tell a business about a problem, few believe there will be anything done.
So when you have a complaint come your way, rejoice. It’s an opportunity to make your business better and delight more customers and generate awesome word of mouth. Here are our steps at United Linen for dealing with complaints.
- respond quickly
- apologize
- don’t offer some lame excuse of try to justify (the customer doesn’t care)
- fix the problem
- follow-up with the customer and let them know it’s handled.
What about you? Do you have a step we didn’t list? When do you complain?